Benefits of noni fruit

Posted by Unknown on Monday, December 17, 2012

Noni fruit or in Java called Pace is more famous properties, from the leaves. efficacy of noni fruit has even made many noni extract and made capsule / drug efficacy noni leaf so that need not have to bother to mix their own, without reducing the efficacy of the original noni fruit. Especially for those who are not happy with the smell of ripe noni fruit that stung, noni capsules into plihan right.

Efficacy of Noni Leaves
In addition to the benefits of noni fruit turned out to have the Latin name Morinda citrifolia also have properties that no less intense than the men, one of them according to the ancients was the content of leaves of Morinda citrifolia as a cure for slimming body after combined with other ingredients in a way made drinks. Drinks are of course better than cure as natural as without involving chemicals. Of course the natural way of treatment therapies are not as fast as the chemical treatment, and therefore required patience and get rid of boredom for natural drugs.

For those who want to have a slim body does not hurt to try a recipe natural heritage of our ancestors

Handful of leaves of Morinda citrifolia
Handful of yellow leaves Java
Intersection dribbles half the little finger
Lemon juice 1/2 point
How to make:

Mash all ingredients together until smooth
Materials that have been pounded then given a glass of lukewarm water (200 cc), stirring until smooth
Wring the cloth to separate the waste water
Drink the potion every morning before eating. If you do not like the taste sepatnya may add a little honey.

In addition to drinking the potion of course supported by proper diet, such as avoiding fatty foods, high carbohydrate, snacking habits, eating before bed, drinking sweet drinks, drinking alcohol.

Expand eat vegetables and fruit, if necessary, reduce high carbohydrate foods, such as rice replacing corn or potatoes or sweet potatoes, enough sleep, and do not forget to exercise regularly. Good luck, hopefully you will get a slim body and ideal with a recipe of our own ancestors.

Efficacy Kelor Generally leaves

Posted by Unknown

Efficacy Kelor Generally leaves can be eaten as they contain nutrients and high in protein, many benefits of Moringa for health benefits moringa plant that squeeze the leaves can be used as cover wounds. Usefulness for the face that leaves Kelor be finely ground powder to be used as a stain remover and spots on the face / skin. Chemical constituents of Moringa roots and leaves of Moringa (Moringa OLEIVERA) contain substances that taste bitter, bitter and spicy, the chemical content of Moringa seeds contain oil and grease.

Benefits and Efficacy Kelor leaves for illness
Efficacy for Pain Yellow Leaf Kelor
3-7 handle moringa leaves, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 cup
green coconut water
Moringa leaves are finely ground, were given 1 cup of coconut water and filtered. Then add 1 tablespoon honey and stir until evenly distributed.
How to use: drink, and performed regularly until healed.

Efficacy Leaf Kelor for Rheumatic, rheumatic pain and sore
2-3 handle moringa leaves, 1/2 tablespoon whiting
Both materials are finely ground and used for liniment (param)

Efficacy Kelor for Rabun Leaf Chicken
3 handles moringa leaves
Moringa leaves are finely ground, brewed with 1 cup cooking water and filtered. Then mixed with honey and stir until evenly distributed. drink before bed.

Efficacy Leaves for Sore Eyes Kelor
3 handles moringa leaves;
Moringa leaves are finely ground, were given 1 cup of water and stir until evenly distributed. Then allowed to stand for a moment to
waste buildup. Water is used as a medicinal herb eye drops.

Efficacy Leaf Kelor for Difficult urination
1 tablespoon of Moringa leaf extract and cucumber juice or grated carrots in the same amount
The ingredients are mixed and supplemented with 1 cup of water, then filtered, and drink every day.

Efficacy Kelor leaves for worms
3 handles moringa leaves, chili leaves 1 handle, 1-2 stems meniran
all the ingredients are boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered, and then drunk.

Efficacy Leaf Kelor to biduren (allergy)
1-3 handle moringa leaves, 1 red onion and fennel
pulasari taste;
all the ingredients are boiled in 3 cups water to boil down to 2 cups, then filtered. drink 1 cup 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.

Efficacy Leaf Kelor for festering wounds
Moringa leaf handles 3-7;
Moringa leaves until finely ground.
How to use: placed on the wound as
foreign drugs.

Benefits of salt water to the face

Posted by Unknown

Benefits of salt water to the face, whether salt water can eliminate acne, if I could wash my face with salt water, get rid of acne naturally with salt? tips to remove acne naturally

Salt Water Benefits for facial acne

Take a glass of warm water and then add salt to the water tasted very salty
Cotton soak for a minute or more
then tap-tap gently acne with cotton for a few minutes
Do not be surprised if you find your acne is no longer inflamed
Dip two cotton into the salt water and the tap-tap back acne simultaneously from all sides.
Salt Water Benefits for facial acne as a mixture
That is by using fruits such as starfruit, sliced ​​cucumbers and tomatoes are then used as a mask, by compress on the face with acne for 15 minutes, 1 to 2 times every day of it.

Especially for star fruit by grinding finely and mixed with salt water and then applied to the acne 3 times a day.

In addition to fruits, the tips get rid of acne naturally is with orange juice, lemon juice mixed with honey with one teaspoon dose then applied to the facial acne for about 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Strawberry benefits for pregnant

Posted by Unknown

Strawberry Juice Benefits For Pregnant Women - Latin name Strawberry fruit / strawberry is Fragaria, fruit has a sweet and slightly sour Strawberry also has many benefits for pregnant women. Strawberry fruit content of the Eight strawberries or chunks 1 cup of strawberries contains 50 calories and contains no cholesterol or saturated fatty acids, and also provides 30 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. This is equivalent to 7.5 percent of the daily requirement of folic acid for pregnant women, which is 400 ug.

Folic acid is important for preventing neural tube defects in the fetus, Gynecology Strawberry fruit also contains 94 milligrams of vitamin C or 1.5 daily requirement of vitamin C, more than 1 orange.

Strawberry benefits for pregnant women

As the intake of vitamin C is safe for stomach acid levels
By eating 1 cup of strawberries a day can reduce the risk of cervical cancer, breast and throat.
Strawberry is a fruit with high antioxidant that can protect body cells from damage by cancer penimbul materials
Meet the daily requirement of folic acid. Folic acid is one of several types of B vitamins are very important for the body. According to the WHO recommendation, adults need 400 micrograms of folic acid per day, while pregnant women require at least 800 micrograms of folic acid per day due to the intake of folic acid is very important for pregnant women.
Benefits of Folic Acid

Serving as the formation of DNA erithropoesis process. That is, in the formation of red blood cells or erythrocytes (red blood grain) and the development of the nervous system.
Prevent anemia for the body
Prevent the fetus had a low birth weight
Reduce the risk of premature birth and heart defects

Nutrition and the benefits of shellfish

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, December 13, 2012

According to a study in 100 grams of shellfish containing 33 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin B12 is needed by our bodies. Consuming vitamin B12 also protects colon cancer, because vitamin B12 can prevent cell mutations. Shellfish are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, potassium and magnesium, these substances have good benefits help the performance of the cardiovascular system, so it is good to maintain a healthy heart.

Eating seafood, including scallops at least 1-3 times per month to prevent the occurrence of ischemic stroke. and when we eat foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids every day, such as shells, the risk of coronary heart disease will decrease significantly. As in the Japanese against the 41 578 men and women aged 40-59, which is posted in the journal Circulation, in January 2006 ago.

• Protein has a vital function for the body as forming enzyme, the formation of organs and muscle cells, forming hormones, repair damaged cells, regulating metabolism, forming the immune system and a variety of other benefits that improve health.
• Vitamin B12 helps digestion, maintain a healthy nervous system and the formation of bone cells.
• Omega-3 and omega-6 in the shell serves to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, so it is good to reduce the risk of heart disease. Both of these healthy fatty acids can also increase the intelligence of the brain when consumed since the age of the children.
• Mineral iron work for the formation of the main component of red blood cells, thereby reducing the risk of low blood (anemia).
• Mineral selenium acts as an antioxidant
to prevent cell damage from free radicals cause cancer and heart disease
• For a variety of nutrients, the shells are very suitable as a diet high in protein and saturated fat content is very low (only 0.2 grams / 100gram).

Although the shells are very well taken, you should consider the following tips:
• Choose a fresh raw oysters and shells intact, not cracked or broken. Or oyster shells that are still alive will soon close when held by hand.
• It is recommended to consume shellfish with boiled, steamed, or baked rather than fried to get the best nutrition and benefits. Fresh clams are served raw on a few stalls or restaurants renderer sea food.
• Shellfish containing high cholesterol 67 mg / 100g, and cholesterol intake per day recommended maximum of approximately 300 mg. Not recommended to consume excessive shellfish. A small portion of each day is enough to get all the benefits.
• Shellfish containing purine bases which can increase uric acid levels in the blood. People with gout or gout better avoid or limit consumption of shellfish.

Lower Blood Pressure With Soursop Leaf

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Annona muricata, or better known as soursop is a plant that thrives in Indonesia. Our country's tropical climate makes soursop can grow anywhere, sometimes we find soursop tree in homes with a yard wide.

Soursop fruit is very good for consumption because it contains very little fat. Soursop also contains a lot of Vitamin C that is able to meet the body's daily requirement for Vitamin C. Soursop contains a lot of water and fiber so good for digestion.

In addition to these benefits, soursop also have other purposes and can be used not only limited to men only. Other parts of the soursop tree can be exploited to the maximum, one of which is the soursop leaves benefits for hypertension.

Hypertension or commonly known as high blood pressure is a disease that alarming. A total of 21% of the Indonesian population where the disease, according to research, there are still about 76% of statistics are undiagnosed hypertension well. The Government through the Ministry of Health continues its efforts to reduce the number of people actively doing outreach because in Indonesia, hypertension is the number two killer after heart attack. Hypertension does not choose victims, not only the elderly but children can be affected. If pregnant women with hypertension the risk of maternal and infant mortality increases. Therefore, the experts tried to examine the natural ingredient to treat hypertension and ultimately discover the benefits of soursop leaves for hypertension.